Pub Quiz

About this event

Komma Social Club
Board & Coord
Date and time
Feb 12, 2025 18:00 - 23:00

Pub Quiz


Wednesday 12 February.

Join your forces and intellect with students from another association to answer questions in the following themes:

  1. Music (of course)
  2. Twente & the University
  3. The Netherlands
  4. History
  5. Animal Facts
  6. General - all else

The pub-quiz will start at 19:00. We will provide for snacks during the evening. If you are joining for dinner and ordering food as a group, be there at 18:00. Costs will be settled with a tikkie. 

Before the start we will mix Dutch/international/Komma/Onwijs people into groups so that every group has some of each. 

Both KOMMA and ONWIJS students welcome to enlist.

Zowel Komma als ONWIJS studenten welkom voor inschrijving.




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